What do you do? Job-wise

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Tartle, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Aisling

    Aisling Newcomer Game Owner

    I graduated right before Covid hit. So right now? Stay at home Military wife
  2. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    I am an LMT. :)
  3. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    @UndeadEyes and a LMT is?
  4. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    An LMT is a Licensed Massage Therapist.
  5. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    @UndeadEyes , ah right. I used to get attention from a few massage therapists, usually big burly blokes. And no I didn't play Rugby, I played netball.

    Currently I'm one year into a six year contract with the Air Force. They have me doing a bridging degree to give me a MBa to go with my VetMed degree. And the best thing, they're paying for it.
  6. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    "Getting Attention" sounded so wrong to me at first. I was like "...That's...not ethical?" But I get what you're saying now. lOl.
    Mim likes this.
  7. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newcomer Game Owner

    My current job is 3D Artist & Immersive Application Designer for a VR company. That means I'm a sort of jack-of-all-trades. I do a mix of 3D art, programming, and GUI design for VR applications with a future dream of working in the game industry :)
    Mim likes this.
  8. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    I'm like what? Then it hit me! Thanks for the laugh, I enjoyed that.
  9. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Hi there and welcome. Kind of jealous of your chosen profession, I struggle just with Sketchup Lol. Trying Blender but I still just don't get it.
  10. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newcomer Game Owner

    Thank you! Yeah I've been very happy with it, it's been a very fulfilling career so far. Haha I'll be honest even though Blender is great because it's free and available to everyone, it's definitely been one of the harder 3D programs that I've worked with, just because so much is hidden behind hotkeys. I personally use Autodesk Maya, it's great :) Expensive though :(
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  11. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    I am a contract management specialist
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  12. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    That's fantastic!At least you're working with something you're happy with!. So not happy with Blender, well at least in trying to use it on a Chromebook! Lol.
  13. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    That sounds busy ^_^
    Raza likes this.
  14. Elzeothis

    Elzeothis Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm support staff in a residential skilled trade business... which is a fancy way of saying I sit in an office pushing paperwork and answering phone calls and otherwise being a bossy nuisance to my poor, overwhelmed field staff.
    Raza and Mim like this.
  15. thetortureartist

    thetortureartist Fresh Blood

    Within the accounts department of a large law firm dealing with billing. Talk about torture...
    Raza likes this.
  16. Work from home with my husband for the same company, we deal with troubleshooting/menu creation for Point of Sale software for restaurants.
    Raza likes this.
  17. Raza

    Raza Resident

    Put simply, I'm retired.
  18. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    I'm quite severely disabled so can't actually work an 'ordinary' job, but I aspire to become a published author. I'm actually working on a trilogy of novels at the moment, which I plan to self-publish. If that goes well then I will continue on my path as a writer.
    Mim likes this.
  19. Jayde

    Jayde Newcomer

    I'm currently unemployed and am a student <3
    I do volunteer at my local animal shelter though, if that counts?
  20. nyxnstyx

    nyxnstyx Newcomer Game Owner

    Commercial insurance....it is super weird and random most days. But I am working for a company now that allows me to work from home permanently and I LOVE IT!
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