Dice Systems for RP (non tabletop)

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Aisling, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. Aisling

    Aisling Newcomer Game Owner

    I am curious if anyone out here knows of different dice systems?
    I have seen various places use different styles such as 50/50 decisions rolling odds vrs evens. I have seen ranges, I have seen numbers associated with body parts for more combat based; I have also seen some very complex ones I dont think i could explain here.

    do you have sites you pull these systems from or do you home brew?

    Do you avoid them entirely?
  2. Fell

    Fell Newcomer

    I actually made a custom dice rp or two-that didn't last since it wasn't a popular method- where I used a D&D style of dice with my own flare where D20 determined where or not something done in the rp was a success or fair and then I had a Damage dice where the number says how many points characters lost if it were a success and some other stuff that I eont explain here cause it's a bit more than I care to explain atm. I would love to try it again with a good group though. Would be super fun :)
  3. havfine

    havfine Newcomer

    I've just started a dice/campaign game for dragon riders of pern. I'm having a tough time getting interested parties, because like the above poster said, it's not common. I think people don't know what to make of it or are intimidated? I've made up my own homebrew system. Part of the character sheet has basic stats ala D&D (strength, constitution, etc) but I don't get too deep into it so people don't get overwhelmed, and for ease of myself. I'm the only admin so I will have to be on top of everything. There is still traditional RP, the dice just comes into certain plots/campaigns.
  4. NessaXO

    NessaXO Newcomer Game Owner

    I use a dice system on my forum for monster spawning and pvp. Personally I think it's really fun and adds some mystery to story.
  5. NyxDarklore

    NyxDarklore Newcomer Game Owner

    Whenever we use dice systems on our sites - which doesn't happen often unfortunately - it's usually a simplified version of the D&D dice rules that makes it more applicable to non-tabletop rpg mediums.
  6. odd

    odd Resident Patron Game Owner

    We do on our site. I try not to get too fine grained with it; we let our characters have 4 stats (Dexterity, Strength, Endurance, Luck). So when they're trying to hit another character, it's a d100+DEX+LUCK. To see what damage is done, if it's a physical attack it's STRxtheir level modifier, if it's magic it's ENDxtheir level modifier.

    Sometimes I add in other attributes or advantages/disadvantages based on the scenario, but we try and keep it pretty easy
    Blackbird likes this.
  7. Gwendalyn

    Gwendalyn Newcomer

    We have used the D&D style several times
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