Hi. :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by UndeadEyes, Mar 11, 2021.

  1. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    Hi. I'm new...
    I'm UndeadEyes.
    I'm strange. I'm old. I'm oh-so-full-of-mold. ...No, Wait...

    I've been a roleplayer for over 20 years now.
    I'm an LMT by trade.
    I'm mostly here because...I need to help spread word of my site and I gotta make 10 posts first. Lol.
    However, I'm always open for chatting with people.

    *Waves* Nice to meet you. <3
  2. Raza

    Raza Resident

    How you doing? I'm not sure I can say your username in conversation, so I'll make an acronym for you UDE, yes I realise it sounds like a Japenese brand of truck; its just a hell of a lot easier to type. Nice to meet you as well.
  3. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    XD Sounds more like IUD. Just call me Eyes if needed.
    I'm well enough. Little tired. Just got up. :)
    And you?
    Raza likes this.
  4. Raza

    Raza Resident

    Eyes it is then. I'm doing well, now almost 4 months since a case of Shingles, which was I have to say pretty damn well scary. Doing well now, more so since I've shed almost 10kgs in weight. That has to be a good thing right?

    Just have to say, I like your signature.
  5. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    I had an ex who got shingles like...4 times in his life...
    My step-father got it once and has lasting nerve damage. X.x

    Hopefully, you're one and done and it doesn't come back or leave lasting damage.

    Congrats on the weight-loss. I need to drop 5 more lbs. Lol.

    Aaaand thank you. :) It goes to my own RPG site. We're still new. It's how I ended up here to get on their advertisement board. Lol.
    Raza likes this.
  6. Raza

    Raza Resident

    It is a bugger of a thing. I collapsed in the bathroom of all places, out cold. Luckily my wife found me and I was in hospital within an hour. All this right in the middle of this covid thing. The hospital staff were marvelous. So far I seem to be okay.

    Now that is something I've been wanting to do, although I don't think I could go it alone; setting up my own site. Congratulations on your effort.
  7. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    Wow. It made you pass out? Didn't know that was something that happened!
    Glad you're alright and didn't hit your head going down.

    And thank you. :)
  8. Raza

    Raza Resident

    Aye it did. Since I seem to have a very low immune system, strange things as I am told by my daughter (a doctor), are bound to occur. I did in fact, hit the old noggin. All is well now.

    You're very welcome.
  9. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    Greeting @UndeadEyes. I too have been RPing around... ummm... well...sometimes seems like forever
    UndeadEyes likes this.
  10. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    The joys of being...old...
  11. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    Age is but a number.... and in stories, I can be who I want, when I want, and do whatever I want.... and as long as I stay in the vertical position and not the permanent horizontal, I will be doing stories !!!
  12. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    Lol. That sounded...almost anti-sexual.
  13. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    ::laughs:: Ohhh Helll nahhhhh... strictly speaking of life (the vertical) and death (the permanent horizontal) there
  14. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    Haha. Good to know.
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