Games Favorite console?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by AfterDarkRoleplay, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. royal_poet

    royal_poet Newcomer Game Owner

    I love my Playstation 4. It's amazing.
  2. While I have fond memories of my Sega Genesis back in the day, Playstation became the mainstay through the years after.
  3. nintendo switch for sure. it has so many types of games and apps like hulu and netflix that other consoles have.
  4. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    Currently, I like the switch.
  5. hitokuchiroleplay

    hitokuchiroleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    OH MY GOD AN N64!!!!!

    Lol if you got it you get it.
  6. silvyfish

    silvyfish Newcomer Game Owner

    I mostly game on PC, but I do really love my Switch.
  7. Imagecorrupted

    Imagecorrupted Newcomer Game Owner

    Xbox or PC steam, because of Fable and its series of games from Fable Anniversary, Fable 2 and 3.
  8. white_sand_empire

    white_sand_empire Newcomer Game Owner

  9. ladyquack

    ladyquack Newcomer Game Owner

    PS4 and Nintendo Switch!
  10. Bowie

    Bowie Newcomer Game Owner

    PC is my go to for games, mainly due to it bein with me most the time
  11. Johnny

    Johnny Newcomer Game Owner

    PlayStation is my OG, but you can’t beat a PC for versatility
  12. I've had a lot of consoles in my time. Nintendo 64, Playstations 1 and 2, Xbox and Xbox 360, Gameboy Colour and Gameboy Advance SP. Admittedly, I no longer have them. I now, solely, use the PC for my gaming desires.
  13. Kiwi

    Kiwi Newcomer

    I've only ever really had a Switch, it's fun to play but dang does it have some bad controller drift and things like that...
  14. I've been trying to get more comfy with the Steamdeck I got as an anniversary present.
  15. majoreave

    majoreave Newcomer Game Owner

    My go to is my PC, but I love playing on the Switch so much. It's a lot of fun.
  16. Navarre

    Navarre Newcomer

    Playstation forever an always. I have tried Xbox and its games and eh idk I couldnt click with it I guess?
  17. Sway

    Sway Newcomer

    I tend to favor the Nintendo Switch!
  18. RavenFlames

    RavenFlames Fresh Blood

    Playstation. Recently started playing Star Ocean: Till the end of Time again on my ps5. ♥
  19. I loved all of my DS systems as a kid and even still have two of the older models that I occasionally use. Nowadays I'm mostly on my mobile phone for games (because my PC isn't strong enough) and my PC for forums like this.
  20. Siren

    Siren Newcomer Game Owner

    I definitely prefer PC, though I have a PS for the Sony exclusives.
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