Games Do you actively play on any virtual pet sites or sim games?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Shriker, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Orion

    Orion Newcomer Game Owner

    Foopets and Chicken Smoothie were the best pet games out there. Xanje is an up and coming one.
  2. kipling

    kipling Newcomer Game Owner

    lioden and dappervolk! i used to play neopets too, but fell out of it :0
  3. RP Collective

    RP Collective Resident Game Owner

    I'm not entirely sure if it counts but I use Wokamon - an app that syncs with your Fitbit and coverts steps to XP that you can use to collect, train and dress cute little monsters.
  4. SalyaDarken
    Anime Lover

    SalyaDarken Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm on too many pet sites but the only sim game I really play is Sims 4. XD
  5. BobbyB

    BobbyB Resident Game Owner

    I used to play FelisFire but kinda dropped out of there when I had a fall out with my RP group on there.
  6. Kingbird
    Dr Pepper Addict

    Kingbird Newcomer Game Owner

    I pretty much play on Lioden now, though I used to play Flight Rising as well!
  7. eshye

    eshye Newcomer

    I enjoy Flight Rising and Horse Reality. Although, the latter is having trouble getting off the ground, unfortunately.
  8. Gothic

    Gothic Newcomer Game Owner

    I've heard that Horse Reality is having issues with the in game market and things have stagnated. I haven't signed up for it yet though.
  9. swiftyuki

    swiftyuki Newcomer

    I've been on FlightRising since its first public registration window. I sometimes remember I have a GPXPlus and DragCave account and the rest are long abandoned due to severe changes to the site, lack of hype, or the site was shut down
  10. writerlimn

    writerlimn Newcomer Game Owner

    A friend invited me to play lioden, but I went on holiday and am now ashamed to check in on those lions - apparently they miss me!
  11. Krisper

    Krisper Resident Game Owner

    Sims, but that's about it.
  12. Sheena

    Sheena Newcomer Game Owner

    I play Lioden, Furry-paws and Canis Novus.
  13. Mortain

    Mortain Fresh Blood

    Wajas, and am working on making my own. Fun days!
  14. Tiko

    Tiko Newcomer

    I used to do neopets a long long time ago, but its been many years now. Over 15 years probably.
  15. SpinMaster

    SpinMaster Newcomer

    I just bought Recettear for cheap. I also found SimCity Creator and SimCity DS, as well as Moonlighter.
  16. behemoth

    behemoth Newcomer

    I used to play HorsePhenomena/Lioden. Now I'm booting up Zoo Tycoon and getting back into that. I occasionally play SimCity Buildit on mobile. Anyone looking for a good mobile game check that one out! I sometimes log into Neopets to bask in the nostalgia!
  17. webs

    webs Resident Game Owner

    I started off on Marapets when I was younger, which is actually where I first began roleplaying and where I discovered it. Then there was Howrse, and now I'm mostly on Flight Rising, with an occasional check-in with Howrse after making yet another account. I'd join Lioden if not for already barely remembering to log into Flight Rising more than once a week.
  18. Goodgis

    Goodgis Newcomer

    Talk about a blast from the past! I never really got into those games, but I did grow up playing the Sonic Adventure Chao Gardens.
  19. Vermilion

    Vermilion Newcomer

    I used to be into Flight Rising, but I lost interest in it over the last couple years and instead moved over to Lioden. Now though, I'm about to move from Lioden to Wolvden once it releases.
  20. Bees

    Bees Newcomer Game Owner

    Neopets was my entire adolescence, to an unhealthy degree. But it's also where I got my first experience coding and making "websites" (read: petpages, but they did get pretty complex). Not to mention my first introduction to roleplaying! (Sorry to the people I ghosted because I was 12 and had massive anxiety.)

    I'm on Flight Rising and Dappervolk now, though I've been kind of losing interest in Dappervolk. I also have accounts on Lioden, Novilar, Sylestia ... I don't even remember what else. But none of them really held my interest for long. I was an enthusiastic beta tester for Dappervolk but right now it just kind of feels like an endless grind.

    Flight Rising, though -- I've been playing every day for six years now, and writing lore for my dragons the whole time.

    I had some really good RP's on FR too, but that was all years ago. For the last few years, every time I've tried to RP on the FR forums, the group has fallen apart in a matter of weeks.
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