Are you a dark or light site theme lover?

Discussion in 'Game Design' started by Shriker, Nov 26, 2018.


What sort of sites themes do you enjoy?

  1. Light-based

    4 vote(s)
  2. Dark-based

    29 vote(s)
  3. Light-based with optional "night mode"

    9 vote(s)
  4. No preference

    3 vote(s)
  1. sora

    sora Newcomer Game Owner

    I personally prefer light(er) themes. I've been on a number of sites that were too dark. I've noticed with a lot of dark themes the text is often times dark as well because people don't want to use a white text color to make it pop out. So I am always running across dark themes where the text is very difficult to read.

    Another factor for me is that the lighter themes can usually have more fun with color combinations, so lighter themes can look more put together easier. This isn't saying dark themes can't do that, just that it's harder and I've seen way to many examples of poorly done dark themes.
  2. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    I usually go for light themes. Find them easier on my eyes.
  3. AfterDarkRoleplay

    AfterDarkRoleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    I like both, but given the choice, I prefer dark themes, but to me, it depends on the genre of the site. :)
  4. Sothis

    Sothis Newcomer Game Owner

    Personally I prefer light themes, but that is likely because that was the standard back when I was learning HTML.
    Unfortunately, even after several sites using it, I have never been a fan of darker themes.
  5. Drew

    Drew Newcomer Game Owner

    Light theme for me! It's juts fine on my eyes, but more importantly to me, it doesn't jump out with dark colors if I'm sneakily browsing at work, heh.
  6. Sheena

    Sheena Newcomer Game Owner

    Dark, because most light theme sites use white backgrounds and light grey text and just my eyes
  7. Flahme

    Flahme Newcomer

    I always go for dark. I use that option on all standards sites I go to. I have come to prefer it.
  8. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    I guess I'm the weirdo. I prefer light themes. But I polled that I like the option for dark mode. Although I don't currently have dark modes for my sites...
  9. I like monochromatic colors as far as skins go. However, I tend to go for dark mode. I have a better time reading posts that are black font on white backgrounds rather than the reverse.
  10. sqweloookle

    sqweloookle Newcomer

    Dark side I mean mode always. lol
  11. Cheshire

    Cheshire Newcomer Game Owner

    I typically prefer dark mode. I think it's easier on the eyes. Light mode isn't too bad though.
  12. webs

    webs Resident Game Owner

    Dark skins all the way, light (especially #eee and #fff tier white backgrounds) skins hurt my eyes. But I'm trying my best to create a light skin for others who use them.
  13. Kitticarus

    Kitticarus Newcomer

    I started with a lighter/colorful theme for the base design, but I know a lot of people prefer dark themes as well. When I feel like banging my head over colors, I'll put in a dark theme. (hopefully by next month haha)
  14. RottenEmu

    RottenEmu Newcomer Game Owner

    Dark mode all the way. Apart from the fact that it kind of gels with the whole "we're in space" theme for my games I also really prefer it for my eyes. Not being bombarded with as much light is really a plus.
  15. While I think it's ideal to have both options for varying preferences, I voted dark because that is all I use!
  16. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newcomer Game Owner

    Dark mode, I use it with anything and everything that has it. It's honestly been such a blessing that so many sites, programs, applications, etc are now adapting to the idea that people prefer light font on dark backgrounds. Like when Youtube released a dark mode? Absolute game changer.
  17. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    Light. I'm visually impaired and it's easier on my eyes, though I can cope with dark skins if there is enough contrast.
  18. aine

    aine Newcomer Game Owner

    Wow, I'm so surprised to see so many people saying that the light themes hurt their eyes and the dark themes are so soothing on them. Ahh, for some reason I'm the complete opposite! I find the dark themes and low contrast colors to be straining, and then the high-contrast colors (like white-ish text on dark backgrounds) to be blinding in a different way. I'm mostly on a laptop and not a phone, I have no idea if that may be a factor or not. I'm not sure why I'm so backward. xD;;;
  19. Lasciel

    Lasciel Newcomer

    I love having options and it can depend on my viewing device. On my phone light themes are sometimes easier to navigate, but about 90% of the time I prefer dark as it lets me stare at a screen longer without eye strain and in theory I get more done... in theory.
  20. ShouldersofGiants100

    ShouldersofGiants100 Newcomer Game Owner

    Dark theme. Light themes kill my eyes
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