Dogs or Cats?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Stormhelm Kingdom, Jul 22, 2016.


Are you more of a dog or cat person?

  1. Dog

  2. Cat

  1. Pastamancer

    Pastamancer Newcomer Game Owner

    cats, cats, cats! so many dogs i've met seem to be way too high energy for me.
  2. Nia

    Nia Newcomer Game Owner

    Both! I have 5 cats and a dog xD
  3. mystic by moonlight

    mystic by moonlight Newcomer Game Owner

    I love both but I just find Cats to be more low maintenance which I need. When I'm dog sitting I am constantly stressed out about getting home, or how long I've left them etc.
  4. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    Yeah dogs tend to get upset when you're gone long. My sister's dog wails when you come in. XD Even if you've been gone only 10 minutes.
  5. Love both, but I lean more towards cats. They get a bad rep but they're just as loving and affectionate as a dog! I have three cats myself :)
  6. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio Newcomer Game Owner

    I love both and often have both. But I kind of feel like I've been leaning more towards dogs recently. I also think this has tendency to change though too.
  7. Cats. I'm too low energy for dogs.
  8. Cheshire

    Cheshire Newcomer Game Owner

    I love them both but cats are a better fit for me.
  9. Goodgis

    Goodgis Newcomer

    Cats for sure! Is this even a debate?
  10. StarWarsGC

    StarWarsGC Newcomer

  11. Finn

    Finn Fresh Blood

    Both! But cats are easier in a way.
  12. Karuna

    Karuna Fresh Blood

    Grew up with dogs but I absolutely LOVE my kitty cat :3
  13. Sere

    Sere Resident Game Owner

    I am 100% a dog person. I have dalmatians. My newest puppy will be going to her first conformation show in October. I am super excited. ♥
  14. NessaXO

    NessaXO Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm more of a dog person but I do love cats too. I would for sure happily have both ngl.
  15. FerociousUniverse

    FerociousUniverse Newcomer Game Owner

    I love all animals :) But I do love how independent cats are!
  16. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

  17. pestilence

    pestilence Fresh Blood

    I love all animals alike but I have better experiences with cats as a pet owner
  18. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newcomer Game Owner

    Going to go against the grain and say I'm actually a bird person! So yes, I am the odd one out xD

    If I didn't have birds though I would definitely be a cat person. Not sure why, I just like them more than dogs... Although at the end of the day I love all animals.
  19. Sivvi

    Sivvi Newcomer

    I can't vote one way or another. I'm an animal lover to all. Exceptions are spiders. I don't like spiders at all. Though I have a female cat that I am in love with and she is absolutely in love with me. <3 She my bebe and I'd die for her. Still, I wouldn't hate it if I could also have a dog that loved me, or a snake, or bird, rabbit, raccoon, lizard, horse, or skunk.
  20. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    My grandparents and I used to own two dogs, wheatern terriers named Molly and Boo. They were a mother and daughter, the former being the mother, the latter the daughter. I have always wanted a cat though, more specifically a black ragdoll cat.
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