Play by post?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by MIKEL E BROWN, Dec 9, 2019.


    MIKEL E BROWN Newcomer

    What are your opinions of the best play by post forums. I have started my own and was hoping for people to give me some things they liked and even dislikes.
  2. Eloell

    Eloell Newcomer Game Owner

    By "play by" do you mean like forums that use celebrities for their characters' faces? Don't want to answer the question incorrectly. ^_^
  3. Vee

    Vee Newcomer Game Owner

    Play by post forums are quite interesting, it just depends on how you run it, really.
  4. IkateKedaStudios

    IkateKedaStudios Newcomer Game Owner

    Play by Post forums are actually really effective for plots run by Game Managers and the like. Game MAnager comes up with a plot line, and then the players make characters that would suit the story idea. Then the GAme MAnager controls the world around the players and the players react.

    I've been playing this style for the last 6 years or so, and it's actually been fantastic. Especially when you have game managers who know how to thread a story.
  5. Junitoons

    Junitoons Newcomer Game Owner

    For collaborative writing on a larger scale, I find play-by-post sites to be really good. They can be a little slower paced than some other forms, but they really allow for some interesting character development (and world development) on a larger scale. Especially since there's so many different sites out there - both in terms of plot and setting and what kind of representation for character that they use. Some allow original art, some use celebrities and some use animanga.
    Star Army likes this.
  6. Nia

    Nia Newcomer Game Owner

    Play by play are my personal favorite but that's all I have ever done.
  7. Super DB Universe

    Super DB Universe Newcomer Game Owner

    I use it for the one I work on, it can seriously be loads of fun!
  8. mythus

    mythus Newcomer Game Owner

    I find play-by-posting to be the only real workable form of RP for forums. Sure, you can try to make stats and other such things work, but in my experience (and many flawed attempts to do so) the time it takes to do forum RP makes any except the detailed story sharing of play-by-post not really worth it.
  9. I like play by post because it really lets people develop the story organically!
  10. kraken

    kraken Newcomer

    I'm not sure I understand what the difference between that is and "forum roleplaying" - is play-by-post considered less sandboxy than other roleplays?