Games Favorite console?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by AfterDarkRoleplay, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. AfterDarkRoleplay

    AfterDarkRoleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    What's your favorite video game console of all time? For me, my all-time favorite console is the Sega Dreamcast. I got it when I was a kid and fell in love with it. Many years later, indie developers are still putting their games on the console and keeping it alive, after nearly 20 years. It's pretty remarkable honestly. It was the very first console to go online too.
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Playstation. Because Legend of Dragoon.
  3. Nevermind

    Nevermind Resident Game Owner

    Gonna have to go with PlayStation 2. Although I had played on the SNES and Sega Genesis prior, the PS2 was the first console to absolutely make me fall in love with gaming and make it a lifetime hobby.
  4. century old

    century old Newcomer Game Owner

    xbox or 3DS c:
  5. VictorG

    VictorG Newcomer Game Owner

    XBox here
  6. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    Sega CD for me, simply for the fact that it has Lunar 1 and 2 on it. =3
  7. EliteKilljoy

    EliteKilljoy Newcomer

    Personally, I prefer PC. Xbox is right after that.
    Lissa likes this.
  8. swiftyuki

    swiftyuki Newcomer

    I don't have many consoles but PC and 3DS
  9. AdAshtra

    AdAshtra Newcomer

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say PC. I grew up poor so all I had for years was a Gameboy Pocket and Mom's PC. The PC made it so much easier and accessible. Age of Empires and Zoo Tycoon owned my high school years.

    Then the graphics got to be too big for it, now I'm slowly gravitating toward PS4, but I forget that I own it. My poor laptop can't keep up with the games I want to play now. I need a desktop before DA4 comes out. Luckily... I have plenty of time. LOL!
  10. Sothis

    Sothis Newcomer Game Owner

    Most of my favourite games were released on the PlayStation 2 so I will have to go with that.
    Although, I generally like the PlayStation line of consoles in general.
  11. Grimone

    Grimone Newcomer Game Owner

    I tend to go back and forth between xbox one and PS4 recently.
  12. Tiko

    Tiko Newcomer

    Xbox, mostly cause it's what everyone else I know uses and I prefer playing games with friends.
  13. SpinMaster

    SpinMaster Newcomer

    Don't have one really...just a collection of games that I would find interesting. I find gaming to be more than just narrowing it down to a console.
  14. porkerberry

    porkerberry Newcomer Game Owner

    I love the psp.... brings me nostalgia
  15. Junitoons

    Junitoons Newcomer Game Owner

    I tend to get bored and restless pretty easily when playing on a console, so I've always preferred using the PC. Playing games feels way more immersive that way, for some reason. :shrug:
  16. behemoth

    behemoth Newcomer

    Xbox and PC! I started gaming in the PS1 days, but I don't have a Playstation at the moment. If I did, I know that I would need an Xbox-style controller to play!
  17. LasValencia

    LasValencia Newcomer Game Owner

  18. Nia

    Nia Newcomer Game Owner

    Nintendo DS will probably be my all-time just because that's the one where I have played most of my games.
  19. Super DB Universe

    Super DB Universe Newcomer Game Owner

    PlayStation and Legend of Dragoon was amazing!
  20. Ottoman

    Ottoman Newcomer Game Owner

    Playstation 2 solely for the holy trinity of Ace Combat. Whole lot of other amazing games on it too, make no mistake. But AC is my personal reason - nothing else like it.