Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    104 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    96 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. Eloell

    Eloell Newcomer Game Owner

    TEA. (peppermint)

    Coffee stains the teeth.
    Creates a dependency.
  2. LasValencia

    LasValencia Newcomer Game Owner

  3. behemoth

    behemoth Newcomer

    tea, for sure!
  4. Goodgis

    Goodgis Newcomer

    Both, I drink tea for the caffeine and coffee for the taste. Granted, I enjoy both for the taste but regular coffee makes me feel like a hyper wreck.
  5. Vermilion

    Vermilion Newcomer

    Tea because I simply can't get into the taste of coffee no matter the blend, roast, etc.
  6. StarWarsGC

    StarWarsGC Newcomer

    Tea, made with filtered water. Non of the swill from the tap - bluergh!
  7. Vass

    Vass Fresh Blood

    Got to go the coffee. Defs the starter for me.
  8. RottenEmu

    RottenEmu Newcomer Game Owner

    Tea, I've never really gotten the notion that you have to 'learn to drink something' (this goes for beer and coffee btw). If I don't like it, I don't drink it...
  9. Sere

    Sere Resident Game Owner

    Never really been a fan of either. I like water. If I really need a caffeine fix then I drink a Coke or a Dr. Pepper.
  10. NessaXO

    NessaXO Newcomer Game Owner

    Tea for soothing and coffee for a perk up. Usually it ends up being tea for me.
  11. I used to be more of a tea drinker, specifically black tea. But now I've switched to coffee more often than not. I should probably go back to my old ways. Or y'know, just drink water.
  12. Arizona

    Arizona Newcomer Game Owner

    I drink a great deal of both, but I break from coffee when it starts to make my teeth sore. It really eats away at the enamel. Tea does also, depending on what you're drinking, but certainly to a lesser extent--and especially since I tend to use a French press over an actual coffee maker.
  13. i love both but in the mornings i definitely go to my tea. black tea with a spoon full of honey is all i need tbh
  14. UndeadEyes

    UndeadEyes Newcomer Game Owner

    Oolong tea with sugar. :D
  15. roleplaygateway

    roleplaygateway Newcomer

    Coffee if i'm wanting something decadent or something to kick me in the behind to get me into gear.

    Tea to really set a mood and a stage :)
  16. Sivvi

    Sivvi Newcomer

    Tea. I have tried SO MANY coffees, and wanted to be 'adult' and enjoy at least one type of coffee. All are bitter or taste... nothing like those 'notes of' that they claim. So, tea it is. I mean, I drink water most, but what is tea but flavoured water that doesn't require sweeteners?
  17. soar

    soar Newcomer Game Owner

    Water please! Or hot chocolate :3c

    Neither tea or coffee really appeals to me
  18. caporushes
    Caffeine Fix

    caporushes Newcomer Game Owner

    Both--but tea is in NO way an acceptable substitute for coffee. I'm not particularly caffeine sensitive... but I am probably addicted, ahaha.
  19. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    Tea, without a doubt. I can't drink coffee, I've never been partial to the taste. I drink tea so much that one of my aliases is Talking Teapot, and some of my friends call me Mrs. Potts, which I find absolutely hilarious :D
  20. I drink all three, but I'd say I drink water most often, coffee second, and tea last.