What is your favorite Fantasy Character to play?

Discussion in 'Character Development' started by MIKEL E BROWN, Dec 9, 2019.


    MIKEL E BROWN Newcomer

    I love playing anything with magic. Especially elemental or conjuring magic.
  2. Grimone

    Grimone Newcomer Game Owner

    I typically go for a brutish monster slayer type character.
  3. Eloell

    Eloell Newcomer Game Owner

    If the world has magic then I LOVE and always default to the non-magic, sword-wielding, male character who is in the military. It's my "type", definitely.
  4. SpinMaster

    SpinMaster Newcomer

    I prefer being the human that can use powers that mix magic and psionics.
  5. porkerberry

    porkerberry Newcomer Game Owner

    I love playing a villain, especially the ones holding a title
  6. mystic by moonlight

    mystic by moonlight Newcomer Game Owner

    I really enjoy playing Werewolves, or Monster/Demon hunter types.
  7. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    I like playing princes.
  8. RottenEmu

    RottenEmu Newcomer Game Owner

    I am absolutely loving my Eladrin in a recent D&D campaign, it's a natural extension of my obsession with Elves ;) and I've found that I really like playing Warlocks.
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