How long have you been roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Amorous, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    For probably over 10 years? I started when I was in like middle school. Started with ones done through instant messagers, then went to doing them on forums.
  2. AfterDarkRoleplay

    AfterDarkRoleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    I started on an old site called LazyDazeInn back in 2003/2004. :)
  3. century old

    century old Newcomer Game Owner

    i think i started innnnnnn 2010? so around 9 years! i roleplayed on an app called monsters paradise, but i don't really count any roleplaying i did then lol
  4. VictorG

    VictorG Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been role playing for 30 years now. Started playing with such games as RIFTS, and the original Marvel Superheroes by TSR.
  5. too long really, feels bad man. i just can't get enough!!!
  6. EliteKilljoy

    EliteKilljoy Newcomer

    Oh geez like....7 years now?
  7. AdAshtra

    AdAshtra Newcomer

    13 years old. With people who were FAR OLDER.
    I'm still surprised they put up with me.

    It's been almost two decades now? (Seriously, what am I doing with my life?) I still gravitate to the fantasy/magic/history stuff. Though I'm a sucker for a good vampire in any age. I have a weakness, what can I say?
  8. roleplayark

    roleplayark Fresh Blood

    16 years, at least. Started on a Harry Potter Fanfiction Roleplay site (which I should tell you I knew nothing about it because I never read any of the books). But it did pique my interest and had me searching for other forum website out there that might offer something similiar in a theme or genre I was more familiar with and liked.
  9. Dabony

    Dabony Newcomer Game Owner

    Wew, some of you have been doing this for ages. Like my user title suggests, I feel like fresh blood reading through this place. Anyway, I've been roleplaying for over 2 years now, but I fancy myself as a decent writer - at least.
  10. Krisper

    Krisper Resident Game Owner

    Been RPing for nearly 20 years. Started out while I was in highschool in MSN Chats. Then moved to MSN Groups, and finally my own website/forums when MSN Groups closed. Still miss those days (the RP, not being a teenager).
  11. Riddle

    Riddle Newcomer

    19 years? I think? Started on a message board-style site for wolf characters.
  12. Alchemy

    Alchemy Fresh Blood

    About 15 years or so. I started on myspace and just stumbled into the RP community there.
  13. I have been rping for about 5-6 years now. Embarrassingly enough I started on a Minecraft server but quickly outgrew that environment for more long-form posting on forums.
  14. Major Tom

    Major Tom Newcomer

    63 years.
  15. EssGee

    EssGee Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been roleplaying for nearly 16 years now!
  16. Amber

    Amber Newcomer

    I’ve rp for 2 yrs so not that long actually but if anyone wants to rp then I’m ready!
  17. meows

    meows Newcomer Game Owner

    on and off for 84 years, it feels like.

    no seriously though maybe 15+? i started on neopets forums and moved on to journal style. i'm still getting the hang of forums but i think i prefer it
  18. Amber

    Amber Newcomer

  19. Sheena

    Sheena Newcomer Game Owner

    Since 2005
  20. Tiko

    Tiko Newcomer

    Offline RP? D&D games with the family since I was like 5 :P

    Online RP, since I was about 12 or 13, so about 20 years?
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