How did you get started with roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Pegasus

    Pegasus Resident Game Owner

    Tabletop - aged 15, with my geeky older brother. He lasted in the group about... 5 weeks, I still RP with one of them and that was over 30 years ago :)
  2. Like many, my first foray into the world of gaming was make-believe games as a child. Of course, then it was considered having an active imagination - until you reach sixteen. LOL. From that point, I coupled my love of writing with my imagination and found online play-by-post games. This was twenty years ago and what I first found was Star Trek. From there, I moved into Harry Potter and than just original game play. Part of me misses the simplicity of years past.
  3. BritAlyQN

    BritAlyQN Newcomer

    I started on Yahoo chat rooms. It was in the early 1990's. I did marvel and Star Wars. Eventually I moved onto forums, than DA. DA has somewhat dried up for me.

    WCARPG Newcomer

    My very first RP experience was, aside from playing pretend as a child, roleplay on the Neopets forums.

    No, I am not kidding.

    I was terrible!! But it was fun as a child, and led me to a lifelong love of writing! I don't think I'd be the same person I was without having writing as a hobby and getting the friends that I've gained doing it.
  5. EliJenkin

    EliJenkin Newcomer

    My friend introduced me to a DBZ role-play site awhile back. It really influenced my view on role-playing and to this day I love it.
  6. VictorG

    VictorG Newcomer Game Owner

    I was 15, a freshman in high school a classmate introduced me to the RPG club. The first game I played was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. From there I jumped into RIFTS, and the West End Games Star Wars. The rest is history.
  7. swiftyuki

    swiftyuki Newcomer

    I became friends with someone on a forum and he introduced me to roleplay. I think my first roleplay was a Percy Jackson one and I had fun with it and it just kept going from there xP
  8. AOL chatrooms that mostly involved people spamming punch punch kick kick at each other and then to yahoo groups, online mmos, and places like gaia online haha
  9. writerlimn

    writerlimn Newcomer Game Owner

    On Neopets, before someone sneakily dragged me to a Harry Potter board hosted on Invision free. Didn't really look beyond forum based RP after that!
  10. Dabony

    Dabony Newcomer Game Owner

    I was looking for game help and accidentally found a roleplaying site. And got interested so hopped right in. Lol.
  11. I joined a medieval Roleplay server on Minecraft and it kept me satisfied for a while but eventually, I outgrew it and moved onto forum RP exclusively. But I am still thankful for it for showing me my love of writing and RPing.
  12. Major Tom

    Major Tom Newcomer

    Someone said, "You want to role play?"
  13. EssGee

    EssGee Newcomer Game Owner

    I was on a Pokemon fandom forum when I was 13 and we had a forum for RP, which we usually did script format. A friend on that forum wound up making her own dedicated RP forum and it was through that that I discovered narrative RP.
  14. Girlfriend got me into bad sonic rp and I've never been the same.
  15. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    Oh wow, I hear there's a big bunch of live RP in VRChat for Sonic... I never realized it was such a big thing until recently.
  16. This was like years ago mind you. It's been like ages since I've done sonic rp.
    RachD likes this.
  17. Krank

    Krank Newcomer Game Owner

    Like so many others, Neopets. It was a perfect starter platform since it was kid oriented and launched right around the time we got our first computer with internet back in '99.
  18. GabeReyes

    GabeReyes Newcomer Game Owner

    I got started by just looking at pictures of Starships on google. One of the pictures eventually linked me back to Obsidian Fleet. I had a look at the community and some open positions and got hooked ever since. Got my first posting as an Executive Officer and soon became a Commanding Officer and loved every minute of it.
  19. Goodgis

    Goodgis Newcomer

    Believe it or not, I first started with Dungeon Squad when I was young lad. I love how simple and creative the engine was. Honestly, I still recommend it to anyone starting out. Either that or Snomes, I heard that's pretty easy to get into. Eventually I joined a campaign of D&D that we've been playing for the last four years.
  20. flea_rave

    flea_rave Newcomer

    a roblox warriors roleplay- i was on nearly every day for a year. thats the sole reason i enjoy writing now, honestly.
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