How long have you been roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Amorous, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Belle

    Belle Newcomer Game Owner

    Over 15 years with a 1 year break.
  2. Aegis

    Aegis Newcomer

    nearly 15 years now after starting on a Runescape forum
  3. I started back in 2010 I believe. I was a very active role player back then and as I got older I’ve been role playing off and on.
  4. Drake

    Drake Newcomer Game Owner

    My first introduction to Roleplaying was through LARP (Live Action Roleplaying) lived in a city close to a massive forest and a huge group of people gathered every month to do LARP. Built my own foam weapons and even got several professionally made sword, axes, bows and arrows just collecting dust now. This was all back in the early 2000s. Then I found Pen and Paper to be invigorating and interesting a couple of years later when I could properly read and understand English.

    Post by Post roleplaying came into the picture around 2009 or 2010. Since then it's held a firm grip on my interests, even was the base for me studying web development..
    RachD likes this.
  5. Been RPing online for some 15 years, at this point. Over half of my life, really. It's nuts.
  6. I actually RP'ed for about 10-11 years from now. I've actually taken a break for a few years in the middle of it until I got back in 2014 or so.
  7. KhFanWriter9
    No Mood

    KhFanWriter9 Resident Game Owner

    It's been a bit of years I started in my teens, and I'm almost 30 now. I started as a writer, and reader though.
  8. Vindictusii

    Vindictusii Newcomer Game Owner

    I think it was late 2006 when I first started roleplaying. It was originally on a star wars roleplay, and moved to a friends rp when the first one shut down about 6 months after joining. After that I went on to running my own sites. I've ran about 10 since then, most were successful 1+ years of activity.
  9. I started actively roleplaying in 2007 on a place called Animation Source. I still actively roleplay to this day but I've switched around from proboards, jcink, Deviantart and more. I most roleplay on proboards on a Panfandom roleplay and Discord right now but want to give jcink a try again.
  10. Seraphina

    Seraphina Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been writing on forums for close to 20 years. Before that I used to rp on AOL in the chat rooms... if that doesn't show my age I don't know what will.
  11. Zioa

    Zioa Newcomer

    15 years, on and off. some of the friends I made when I first started RPing I'm still quite close with.
  12. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    OMG! Me too! I started on AOL, but then dove into MSN Groups and Yahoo Clubs! Wow it's been a wild ride!
  13. Lancar

    Lancar Newcomer

    13 years and counting! started on forum and now on discord
  14. alternatepseudonym

    alternatepseudonym Fresh Blood

    19 years. First tabletop and them PbeM, the yahoo groups then boards. I still tabletop though. I feel like I should get an old group together next year to celebrate the 20year anniversary. Maybe play Werewolf 20th Anniversary since WoD Werewolf 2nd was the first game I ever played.
  15. Yona Carlin

    Yona Carlin Newcomer Game Owner

    Like fifteen years.
  16. Legends Are Lessons

    Legends Are Lessons Newcomer Game Owner

    Oh man... 15 years! Changed a lot since then.
  17. Nevermind

    Nevermind Resident Game Owner

    I have been roleplaying for approximately 14ish years, but there were long gaps in between those years at various points. I first dipped my toes into roleplaying on NeoPets and a NeoPets-ish site called AMZ (no idea if that site even exists anymore), and eventually found my way over to forum roleplaying. From there I would do some MSN or AIM roleplaying with my favorite partners. I remember being sixteen years old and staying up literally all night long roleplaying over MSN and going to school half-dead, and somehow thinking it was worth it.

    Now I'm pretty sure I'd rather just sleep.
  18. Jinx

    Jinx Newcomer

    I usually like to say I started at 11, but I guess I could have been 12, depending on the time of year I started. Either way, it was 100% back in 2000 that I started in chats and forums, and I definitely lied about being 13+ to get on some forums back then.
  19. Swoopingjobberknolls

    Swoopingjobberknolls Newcomer Game Owner

    I started out with harry potter fanfiction in 2003 and one day found a link to a roleplaying forum and I've been doing it ever since. So 16 years.
  20. sora

    sora Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been roleplaying for 17 years (I started RPing back when I was 11). My first RPG was Harry Potter, and it's always been a favorite of mine. Over the years though I've branched out and participated in a variety of fandoms.
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