What is the first roleplay you have ever done.?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by YethorianDravinas, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. hanamene

    hanamene Newcomer Game Owner

    Oh man, it was this old play by post game called Worlde Arcane but that game is dead and gone - which is sad. The community had been amazing and a lot of players took part in the world-building. I haven't played another game quite like it, since. Definitely one of those games I'll forevermore be nostalgic about.
  2. Monroe

    Monroe Newcomer

    It was 20 some odd years ago, I started on horse rpgs. They were boards2go on geocities and other free host sites. Back then we put a few lines in the subject and that was out post. I was but a babe. xD
    Shriker likes this.
  3. PBEMsuggest

    PBEMsuggest Newcomer

    One of the first RPGs that got me hooked on PBEM games was a Western set in the 1870s called Badger Pass. If I recall correctly, it was hosted on Yahoo! Groups around 1999. It could be a little risque at times but had a lot of great writers. It's too bad the game didn't have a longer run because it was such a fun community to follow.
  4. Wolfe

    Wolfe Newcomer

    Battleon forums.

    It was the forums for this old browser game called AdventureQuest and it had an RP section. Got dragged to SuddenLaunch and ProBoards from there.
  5. MagicMike

    MagicMike Newcomer

    I actually started out with the more popular stuff. D&D or if we are a little more or a little less technical, Final Fantasy.
  6. Aegis

    Aegis Newcomer

    Runescape Fanfiction
  7. Ahnkella

    Ahnkella Newcomer Game Owner

    It's been so long, but I have always done Literate roleplaying on either forums or wiki, but I think the first RP was a wolf RP, and throughout the years I have covered a varieties of genres, including Human, Master/Slave, Shifters, Warrior cats.
  8. Drake

    Drake Newcomer Game Owner

    First Text Roleplay was on an ancient community attached to a game called Dark Throne, and I was a part of one of the largest alliances/guilds, and some of us decided to do some Post by Post RP in our community forum. Was pretty great.
    If looking beyond Text, I was an old LARPer and Pen and Paper games.
  9. Sauravisus

    Sauravisus Newcomer Patron

    Hmm... My first one was probably ages ago back on PokeCommunity.
  10. My first PBP RP has to be The Ninja RPG's forums when there used to be a roleplaying subforum. After a few years, I decided to try joining another after it closed and from there, I discovered more forums and the rest is history.
  11. KhFanWriter9
    No Mood

    KhFanWriter9 Resident Game Owner

    I don't remember what my first rp was. I did some rping on gaiaonline first, but had started as a writer really posting on deviantart. I moved my story to fanfiction.net and created my first forum on there a kh one. Met a friend, who invited me ot their forum to do mlp stuff. Met another friend, and made a private forum to continue rping with them once the mlp forum got deleted. Since then I have created / deleted a lot of forums on fanfiction.net, and recently tried at creating a forum off of fanfiction.net last month this year. I just finished all the bug working on it recently though. On fanfiction.net I have two forums, but my rep as a admin I think people don't like me on there.
  12. Vindictusii

    Vindictusii Newcomer Game Owner

    Ive always wanted to participate in a D&D game, but never knew anyone that had a game. I started out on a online star wars roleplaying site known as swrp88 (i think)....it's been dead for over 10 years now so i don't exactly remember the name
  13. hatchaplan

    hatchaplan Newcomer

    I started out on good old Fanfiction.net - a Shugo Chara roleplay of all things!
  14. tophermr

    tophermr Newcomer Game Owner

    Percy Jackson was the first one that I ever did, followed by Charmed.
  15. My first roleplay was on Animation Source, it was a Balto based roleplay and it was really bad but it's still a fond memory of mine.
  16. theeflamehead

    theeflamehead Newcomer Game Owner

    The first RP was a zetaboard for...a boarding school? It was strange. Friend roped me into it.
  17. AfterDarkRoleplay

    AfterDarkRoleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    I don't really recall, I just remember it being a romance RP. I can't remember who I even did the RP with, but I remember the site it was on. The site is unfortunately no longer around.
  18. century old

    century old Newcomer Game Owner

    it was warrior cats back on the old wcrpg, back before it was feralfront, or run by dyno
  19. EliteKilljoy

    EliteKilljoy Newcomer

    I think my first was on a Harry Potter forum like....7-8 years ago? And I'm still on that site today, working as staff lol
  20. writerlimn

    writerlimn Newcomer Game Owner

    Mine first roleplay was medieval fantasy on the Neopets boards, where people had to split their intros into about ten posts because of the word limit, dressed 'em up with fancy words, and put things like (lit/adv) in the post title ... I cringe thinking about it now.