Have you ever had a character die in game?

Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Shriker, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. hanamene

    hanamene Newcomer Game Owner

    Yup. It's fun to shock other players sometimes. Occasionally, you can resurrect killed characters but sometimes it's just as fun to leave it be the end and watch the fallout of it afterward.
  2. Monroe

    Monroe Newcomer

    I've had a few characters die. One of old age, another in battle and recently by execution for doing some very bad things. Seamus released hellhounds and spread a curse, as well as did many experiments on people. He was known as "The Mad Doctor" and caused a lot of pain to people in his curiosity. The Regent put a price on his head and someone shot him down with a couple arrows. It was a lot of fun, really.
  3. callielizz

    callielizz Fresh Blood

    I've had two. Both were made specifically to die so one had basically no backstory so I didn't mind him dying. The other character was a recently married woman who had just gotten back from her honeymoon when a magical prison was overrun and she was murdered. THAT one was sad.
  4. Yona Carlin

    Yona Carlin Newcomer Game Owner

    Yep. I tend to be something of a serial character creator, which results in having some characters that essentially function like playing NPCs. It's useful if someone needs to die to have an actual person to reference, so I'm all for putting them on a bus.
  5. Somniac

    Somniac Resident Game Owner

    Alright, not the only solution. But I like a large cast with a lot of turnover.
  6. Jinx

    Jinx Newcomer

    My most recent was several months ago, Singularity on an MCU site. Given the way I had her created (result of the Reality Stone at Knowhere), and the event we were going through at the time (Endgame, characters going back in time to steal the stones from Thanos) it made sense that it would undo her, so to speak. The entire last thread she was in, I and a handful of other admins knew what I was going to do with her, but only one other character did and we kept it secret from the other players. It was a fun bit of angst to surprise them with, because a lot of people enjoyed her and she was on that mission with her adoptive mother.
  7. Swoopingjobberknolls

    Swoopingjobberknolls Newcomer Game Owner

    I have literally NEVER killed off a character I've rped. I get so attached, I don't know if I could handle it.
  8. AdAshtra

    AdAshtra Newcomer

    I haven't killed them. Yet.

    I've had about half scheduled for death but something either comes up. Either another character saves them or the plot falls apart for one reason or another.

    One day they'll die. I make most of them with the intent to die. One day my dreams will come true.
    Somniac likes this.
  9. Dabony

    Dabony Newcomer Game Owner

    I had one character die in a roleplay where they could respawn. Then made a habit of killing them off often, lol. Does that count?

    Besides that, I'm way too attached to some of my precious characters to kill them off or let them die, but I will kill off my NPCs and stuff sometimes.
  10. Pastamancer

    Pastamancer Newcomer Game Owner

    I have not had any instances where my characters in any setting have died. There are many characters I have been open to having die-- but it has to be the perfect narrative moment. Villain-of-the-week characters notwithstanding, of course.
  11. RottenEmu

    RottenEmu Newcomer Game Owner

    All. The. Time. It raises the stakes, it shows people in the game that not all decisions will magically turn out alright. But it really depends on what kind of a game you like to play. Some people like the heroic journey where they are the good guys vanquishing evil. Then an NPC can die, but not the PCs (unless it's in a final blaze of glory destroying the Big Evil)
  12. mythandmen

    mythandmen Newcomer

    Yes, I enjoy it on occasion. I don't like the concept on some sites where your character can be killed off without your permission unless of course, you are roleplaying them recklessly within the laws/environment of the world you are rping in. Sometimes you kill them off because you've had a very long run and there is no other natural ending for them. Sometimes I kill them because it's dramatic and exciting and is the perfect conclusion to a plot. I rarely do it because, as others have said, I get quite attached, but sometimes it feels right. I even created a character or two knowing beforehand they would eventually die, which made it easier.

    And of course, there's nothing more satisfying than killing off an evil character.
  13. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newcomer Game Owner

    When I was an animal RPer I was a big fan of 'hardcore' sites, meaning another character could challenge yours to the death and you'd have to battle it out for a winner. I personally really enjoyed this atmosphere, as well as this idea of consequences for your characters actions. I did have a couple characters die, usually by my choice. One in particular I remember fondly; she had started a site-wide war between multiple different factions, and ended up getting killed off during the big war thread after killing a couple opponents of her own.

    Once I got into human RPing I got more attached to my characters and so far haven't killed any off.
  14. Raza

    Raza Resident

    I like to go for reality and since I've been involved in a number of military themed games, naturally people get wasted. I think over time I've killed off somewhere in the region of at least six of my own characters.
  15. Matsu

    Matsu Newcomer

    All the time. Just this year I lost a character of 16 years of play, and an 11 year faction in my home setting. While it hurt, I understood that without RTK Permadeath a lot of threats (Personally to me) rang hollow. So I swallowed the lost and used the changes to the world to fuel my others characters. I can report that from their death, many others benefited and it did make the setting that much more interesting. So if you're going to die, hope it propels things forward and doesn't drag plots down. And, died to a PC due to a lapse in judgment. Not predetermined.
  16. Jessieberu

    Jessieberu Newcomer

    I have had a character die in-game before. And I absolutely adored her. But the reasons for her death were both IC and OOC.

    The character just didn't quite fit the plotline that she was created for, so we decided to kill her off and add some drama to the plot. Writing her death scene was just... Ugh. It's still one of my favorite pieces of writing that I've ever done.
  17. soar

    soar Newcomer Game Owner

    Absolutely - quite a lot of them, in fact. When my characters die, they usually stay dead (except for a couple). Sometimes, it's because I get bored of writing them, and sometimes it's their time, their story has come to a natural end that there is no other way out.
  18. Agent_D_WIB

    Agent_D_WIB Newcomer

    I haven't had a character stay dead, does that count? :P I think I put too much of myself, and just plain time and effort (or want to in the future), into my characters to have them die and never play them again. But that is just me. I have had a few with what are probably more accurately near-death experiences, but I haven't had them die. and stay dead I do have a number that are dusty and on a shelf, but they all left their respective positions/slots under their own power sort-of-speak.
  19. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    More times than I can count! The ones I like always have a funny habit of getting resurrected, but that's in the fantasy roleplay my friend and I do as a one on one, and there are a crap ton of necromancers in that, soooo... ;) Besides, our mad little world simply would not be the same without Serena Diesalot (the nickname I just gave her because she seems to die in every battle). And I simply didn't have the heart to keep Desiree dead! She needed a return! We can't survive without Desiree, it would be unthinkable! But sometimes I make charactrs purely for the sake of killing them, knowing I'm going to kill them. Alas, poor Charn, we knew him well...
  20. AlmaMont

    AlmaMont Newcomer Game Owner

    I've killed off one. I started off liking her, but as time dragged on she just felt like the served little purpose other than whining. Her dying contributed much more to the plot than keeping her alive, so I agreed with the staff to off her. It wasn't really satisfying, and in fact, the post-mortem past threads were much more fun than the ones when she was alive in-game. So it was sad. Didn't really play out her potential until after she passed away.
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