Favorite RP Genre

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Carv, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Tabs

    Tabs Newcomer

    I'm a stickler for the animal rpgs.. Though I have done some Wheel of time and DroP as well in the past.
  2. musewithme

    musewithme Newcomer Game Owner

    Currently, I'm really into crime and real life rpg. But I also like a little futuristic and abilities if I come across an interesting site as well.
  3. TakodaVega
    Caffeine Fix

    TakodaVega Newcomer

    Honestly for me anything with a good plot can be a good genre, my go to tends to lead to fantasy/sci-fi because I like to be a world builder but it's by no means a deterrent for modern or non magical themed items :)
  4. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    I prefer science fiction- specifically player-created stories and characters. All too often, specifically noticed in the X-men chat RP I was part of- if you didn't portray an established / canon character to the liking of the character's fans- they would be brutal on your performance and writing.

    So, player created original characters are my favorite. X-men and Meta-humans rule but with my group they're called Psionics.
  5. dreamsleever

    dreamsleever Newcomer Game Owner

    Fantasy and science fiction. Anything to escape from the monotony and powerlessness of IRL! :)
  6. Achera

    Achera Newcomer

    Fantasy all the way. I love having completely freedom considering a lot of my characters vary in species, abilities, and more. A lot of them at their most basic are shifters so I kinda need to have some kind of fantasy element xD
  7. Calhoun

    Calhoun Newcomer Game Owner

    Horror. I'm the type of person who thoroughly enjoys seeing horrible things happen to their characters, aha.

    I also enjoy fantasy and cyberpunk style sci-fi, though! They allow for a lot of world building which is my second favorite part of writing and role-playing.
  8. Dantalion

    Dantalion Newcomer Game Owner

    Medieval and animanga mostly. To break down even farther I've done Dragon Age, Digimon, Pokemon and originals such as Megalomania.
  9. Swiper

    Swiper Fresh Blood

    I love modern/urban supernatural and post apocalyptic, but I've also been known to hop into medieval or Harry Potter!
  10. BobbyB

    BobbyB Resident Game Owner

    Not original in the least,b ut I'm a sucker for Fantasy. Not even a particular type of fantasy. Any will do :P
  11. SalyaDarken
    Anime Lover

    SalyaDarken Newcomer Game Owner

    Fantasy and Original with or without Anime face claims. I work better with full original setting with some fantasy and Mythical mixed in. ^_^
  12. eshye

    eshye Newcomer

    Anything fantasy! I love magic and/or "superpowers".

    And anything with an element of mystery or horror.
  13. inkbone

    inkbone Newcomer

    I always come back to and currently still am involved with the fantasy equine genre. Pretty much anything in the animal genre range (fantasy or otherwise) has kept my attention pretty well.
  14. Captain Luna

    Captain Luna Newcomer Game Owner

    sci-fi and fantasy. :) mostly sci-fi
  15. ModernNations

    ModernNations Newcomer Game Owner

    Mostly realife/modern settings with lots of politics and economy involved. If possible a little bit pvp with war, but not too much.
  16. lexibean

    lexibean Newcomer

    I like anything with a great world set up. That lends itself to storytelling. So I'll play anything, as long as there's a built world.
  17. Amanda M Roberts

    Amanda M Roberts Newcomer Game Owner

    Fandom RP is my favorite -- Dragonriders of Pern has always been my focus, scattering in others like Wheel of Time once in a blue moon. WoT is hard to find though.
  18. Vindictusii

    Vindictusii Newcomer Game Owner

    Fantasy/Sci-fi for sure, though starwars to be exact
  19. tophermr

    tophermr Newcomer Game Owner

    I love Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Fandoms, Supernatural, and Medieval.
  20. Absolutely adore Fantasy, Original, Fandom, Supernatural and much more if I feel like it will give a good story I am usually game to try it out.
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