Preference for RP?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by cyclops, Mar 12, 2016.


RP Medium

  1. Forum

  2. Email

  3. Live Chat (IM or IRC)

  4. Live Meat-Space (Tabletop)

  1. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Forums, really there is no other better way and I've tried them all. You have so many options for posting and as has been said before, you can track your subscriptions so easily. I also like the fact that it can be graphical as well, posting images often helps to carry your story and set the theme.
    Elena likes this.
  2. Candi

    Candi Fresh Blood

    I have always been on forums really, never really tried anything else. At first, for awhile, I did Proboards but then started JCInk and I honestly think that's a lot better and more active as well. I've never actually considered doing much else so I suppose I'd have to look into how it's done before really considering trying it since I've stuck with forums for so long and am just so used to it.
    Elena likes this.
  3. Fawkes

    Fawkes Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer forums but the very first RP I ever did was done entirely by dispatches. It was a seafaring, Napoleonic War RP. You received your orders by dispatch (email) from the Admiralty. And you drafted your replies that way (the RP part). It was actually a lot of fun. I even made it up to Post-Captain rank before the group faded away.
    Elena likes this.
  4. Delphi

    Delphi Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer forum because I like to stalk other people's characters and learn from their roleplay to improve myself.
  5. Demicafatali

    Demicafatali Resident Game Owner

    YAY, its always good to see another Yahoo Group mod!^_^
  6. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Kinda surprised to see Yahoo Groups is still around. Many people moved to actual forums with the "upgrade" to Neo.
  7. Demicafatali

    Demicafatali Resident Game Owner

    If I could get into forums, I would even think about that... but I am lousy at checking external things. ><;;
  8. sceritz

    sceritz Newcomer

    For me it's gotta be forums. Far more structured and real than say chat. Chat might just quick responses and not fit the character anywhere near as well as a well thought out response can. But that's just me though. I'm in it for the art of writing.
    Elena likes this.
  9. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    It isn't actually that difficult. I personally don't code, but there are plenty of premade skins that are easy to alter to what you want.
  10. Cynadea

    Cynadea Newcomer Game Owner

    I never check my emails. I never go on facebook. I don't have a twitter account... I'm too wordy for chat RP and I have the attention span of a goldfish, thanks to ADD. So forum it is. At least I can go and answer when my mind seems to calm down enough to write.
  11. SymonDrayson

    SymonDrayson Resident Game Owner

    I love old school table top games, mainly storyteller (World of Darkness mainly).

    I really like Nova based games since they seem to be a nice mix of forum and email, just seems easier than email, and in my opinion the finished product is better than on a Forum. That being said I do a couple of Forum based games as well.

    My only issue with Nova/Forum based games is the fact it is nearly impossible to find folks who will actually take it upon themselves to post on their own and instead will ONLY respond to other peoples posts. Meaning the story line is made up of a few people trying to drive the story themselves and eventually getting burned out. That is what has happened on several of the different sites I am on, including the game I just took over and am trying to rebuild with active and interested writers
    Elena likes this.
  12. VioletAmythest

    VioletAmythest Newcomer Game Owner

    I like forum, because sometimes, I just don't feel like replying at that very moment. But I do RP on IMVU a lot too, when I am feeling really RP-y and if a bunch of my friends are on 'cause it's fun to play off each other when we get crazy with our characters.
  13. ImmortalWinds

    ImmortalWinds Newcomer Game Owner

    For me I think that RP is all about having fun. I have done a great deal of RPing on many different mediums. I have done forums, Second Life, IMVU, MUSH, JavaChat, IRC, Email, Roll20, Storyium, and probably more. So long as I have someone I am enjoying RP with it usually doesn't matter where I am RPing or how.
  14. Will wlaker

    Will wlaker Newcomer Game Owner

    I use Nova from Anodyne and I love it. I tried Forum once and never really liked it.
  15. Jimlock

    Jimlock Newcomer Game Owner

    Groups on Forums. With no restrictions or censoring. I write intense.
    SymonDrayson likes this.
  16. alphaSHIELD

    alphaSHIELD Newcomer Game Owner

    I'll be honest, I really really like forums, but I'm still up for live chat on 1 on 1s rps on services like skype. I tend to use skype to scratch itches that I can't always scratch on forums
  17. rhysie

    rhysie Newcomer

    I prefer forums, and mainly some kind of original buffy roleplay.
  18. MNHorus

    MNHorus Resident

    Forums I think is my preferred method of roleplaying. I do just enjoy forums overall at any rate.
  19. Zoltan

    Zoltan Newcomer

    face to face, in a room with beer and dice is amazingly better, everything else is a poor substitute

    but I'd be willing to hear reasons why someone might disagree with that.
  20. k0nigwulf

    k0nigwulf Newcomer Game Owner

    I RP exclusively on forums now, unless we're playing D&D on tabletop simulator or face to face.
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