Finding forums

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by impulsive, Feb 23, 2025.

  1. impulsive

    impulsive Newcomer Game Owner

    What has been the best way to find new forums? It used to be you could find postings on resource sites but I'm seeing a lot of those go by the waistside unless I'm not finding the currently active one.
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Most of the RP Resource Sites have moved to Discord. Same as a lot of forums, tbh. I know several of my friends have moved their stuff to Discord as opposed to forum RPing.
  3. raoristeri

    raoristeri Newcomer Game Owner

    A lot of them have moved to Discord or Tumblr directories. The latter-I've found--are for JCINK forums.

    A couple large Discord directories are:
    These 3 are 18+. There are sorted advertisement channels, various discussion channels, and over 400 users. They are pretty active! And (in my experience) happy to help or answer questions :)
  4. Rpg-D is a good site. It's still around so you should consider looking it up. That's how I found this website.