Favorite Ice Cream

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Bamf, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. BlueDoctorMan

    BlueDoctorMan Blueberry Lemming

    Pistache. That's a thing in my country.
  2. Antiel

    Antiel Newcomer Game Owner

    eggnog :D or maybe peppermint. christmas limiteds ftw
  3. dwshasta

    dwshasta Newcomer

    Salted caramel cashew swirl.
  4. Honeylove

    Honeylove Newcomer Game Owner

    Chocolate is always good, but I also have a soft spot for french vanilla :)
  5. TheDjinn

    TheDjinn Newcomer

    Anything with chocolate in it, although a new favorite is strawberry.
  6. InDireStraits

    InDireStraits Newcomer Game Owner

    Rocky road is mine too! I like coffee and chocolate too though.
  7. TeamAS

    TeamAS Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer blending oreo ice cream with mint chocolate chip!!
  8. TheVineyard

    TheVineyard Newcomer Game Owner

    Rocky Road-- With the real marshmallows
  9. Cypher

    Cypher Newcomer Game Owner

    Vanilla, or french vanilla when I want to be fancy.
  10. Kitoto

    Kitoto Newcomer

  11. Susan Scuro

    Susan Scuro Newcomer

    I like chocolate ice cream the best.
  12. I've tried cannabis ice cream once was quite good. I can do ice cream learned it in Germany a couple of years ago.
  13. Meow

    Meow Newcomer Game Owner

    I just cannot resist me some Rocky Road ice cream to be honest.
  14. tearian

    tearian Newcomer Game Owner

    Mint chocolate. It just feels so cooling.
  15. Zahara Dessert

    Zahara Dessert Newcomer Game Owner

    Ben and Jerry's Phish Food... if I have the money... otherwise Tesco do a toffee vanilla and chocolate version of a Neapolitan sometimes...
  16. madisonmaxwell

    madisonmaxwell Fresh Blood

    Cookie dough! Especially when it has huge chocolate chunks oml
  17. White Diamond

    White Diamond Newcomer Game Owner

    My favorite is.. hm.. it's between Chocolate and Strawberry
  18. eleholly

    eleholly Newcomer Game Owner

    Cherry Garcia! I love it! Strawberry is a second favorite though
  19. Orion

    Orion Newcomer Game Owner

    Gotta say Moose Tracks, guys. It's the best with nutella/peanut butter/hot fudge mixed in, but it's practically so unhealthy... but so good!!
  20. kipling

    kipling Newcomer Game Owner

    moose tracks is SO GOOD! also, ben & jerry's half baked and cherry garcia... yum. other than that, anything with fudge bits or cookie dough in it is amazing
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