
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by malavita, Jan 14, 2025.

  1. malavita

    malavita Newcomer

    hey hey, all! i'm dante.

    i'm a graphic designer and illustrator by profession, who is working on adding full-stack engineering to their repertoire. i indulge in all matters of creation in my free time. hobbies include writing, digital and traditional art, coding, and if you ask some, occasionally theater given my propensity for the dramatics. i read avidly, listen to music obsessively, have far too many dogs, drive entirely too fast, and have a vocabulary that could make a sailor blush.

    i've got over a decade of collaborative writing experience. forum roleplay is my favorite medium. in 2024, i took on an entirely new adventure: running my own site. it's been a scary, wonderful challenge that i love with my entire heart.

    thanks for having me in your community, looking forward to seeing you all around!
  2. OOM-Anna

    OOM-Anna Newcomer

    Welcome! Sounds like you're quite creative!
  3. Welcome!! Running your own site is incredible (maybe one day I'll try it) XD. I wish you the best of luck!