Chosen of StarClan (Discussion)

Discussion in 'Game News & Discussions' started by Kitsufox, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    Kitsufox has submitted a site to the directory:
    Learn more about this site...
    Amber likes this.
  2. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    We currently have no open ranks, but our Prey Will Kill plot is in full swing and other interesting ideas are waiting in the wings!
  3. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    The Prey Will Kill plot is currently wrapping up. Now is a great time to join if you're interested in being around for the launch of our new plot!
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