Cedere Nescio (Discussion)

Discussion in 'Game News & Discussions' started by webs, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. webs

    webs Resident Game Owner

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  2. webs

    webs Resident Game Owner

    We've now been open for a month and a half - or thereabouts! We currently sit at 21 writers with 158 characters (with a mix of writers who have 10+ characters and some who focus on 1). We're extremely open to new characters and plots, we'd love to write with you!

    Currently, our main sub-plot is the Hogwarts Revival. Following the removal of Headmistress Sandrine Marbleheart following an investigation into child endangerment, the new Head Magus, Eglantine Pinderthwak, and Deputy Head Artem Morozov are looking into transforming the school for the better. Starting with making it an inclusive environment: already the non-binary dormitories have been agreed upon, gender-neutral language is being used, and plans to develop bonds to international schools will be implemented, along with more gender and culture awareness and education.
  3. webs

    webs Resident Game Owner

    We now have 40+ writers and 186 characters!

    The new school year has begun, and with that comes a great deal. From our Sorting Ceremony topic for first-years, to the quidditch season's fixtures announced, and much more. There are 50+ students and 15+ professors to interact with, and everybody's keen on plotting away! There are also a fair few wanteds always available - with over 10 wanteds fulfilled just last month too!

    If you're looking for a Harry Potter roleplay with a great array of plotting opportunities, a friendly community, and a horde of characters to gush over, you'd be in the right place with Cedere Nescio <3
  4. webs

    webs Resident Game Owner

    One month into the new school year and we have 60+ students and still a few Hogwarts staff spots to take up. The quidditch teams have challenges to complete, most of which involve writing together and doing team practices.

    A new Discovery has been made too - a new magical mushroom has been found and can be experimented with. Could it replace a potion ingredient, help create a new recipe, or more? Whatever your characters come up with - it's CN canon now!
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