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Dogs, all the way. They're like children to me, they fill a hole. <3
I hhaavvveee... A black male Standard Poodle, his name is Dudley (Speeduh, DudleySpuh, Spuh-dudly, Dudley B, Beebop, Beebop Boopins) Silver...
I do just about everything when it comes to dogs. Rescue, rehabilitation, training, grooming, breeding. About to attend school so that I can train...
As long as people bide by the lore then I don't care what they want to play, my game is for them. :)
20 years and most of my life lol
I get bored with anything except fantasy; usually dark and modern fantasy. Supernatural creatures, abilities, drama. xD
It was 20 some odd years ago, I started on horse rpgs. They were boards2go on geocities and other free host sites. Back then we put a few lines in...
I've had a few characters die. One of old age, another in battle and recently by execution for doing some very bad things. Seamus released...
I have a lot of competition IC in game already and do not want to make my site a popularity game by adding OTMs. Though I have implemented other...
Ello lovelies. ^.^ I'm Monroe and I have been roleplaying for a little over 20 years. My fellow homeschooled friend turned me on to horse rpgs as...