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Matchstix has submitted a site to the directory: enter the flow - a supernatural story set in Scotland Learn more about this site...
Did you manage to resolve this? Same issue lol
I feel like Gaiaonline was the culprit for me lmao. I'm getting war flashbacks thinking about "the old days"! FCs became so standard I've kind of...
i know this is 2 years old at this point but why tf did I read "ants" instead of "nuts" and my brain didn't even question it on topic, right not...
Echoing everyone else's sentiments - though many of these sites are no longer with us, the remaining sites are invaluable resources! Thanks for...
I personally dislike templates as they can become cluttered and unreadable really fast, and some of them inevitably clash with each other or the...
Covid is such an evil thing; coffee was similar to me for a while after the first go :( So glad it didn't ruin your tea lol - UK culture doesn't...
it's so easy to be passive on things for fear of looking like a boring, strict overseer, IMO. Lesson learned though; I've definitely been in the...
that's super interesting, I hadn't considered that could be a good mix. I might have to try it for myself. I've heard mixed things about coconut...
I was worried for a sec about the lack of GSD lovers in this thread but it picked up towards the end lol. Strays are such a varied lot, mixes in...