I suppose its time for the mother of the daughter to show her face. My husband has an absurd passion for trains, the old ones. Hence we visit every museum he can find.
*Stares innocently* "I have no idea of what you are speaking of. :P also, Mum that is a sweet pic. I've not seen that before ^_^
Snow Leopards- we have two things in common- we're both elusive and enduring. And let's face it- who doesn't love a good pic of a baby animal? Oh, you wanted a picture of me? Here's an oldie but favorite- me from 1999 If you ever get the chance to do something like Glamour Shots- Do It! Just my
Older pic (taken this year, like a couple months ago), but I still look mostly the same. 8D I managed to quit smoking by replacing cigarettes with toothpicks.
Corgis are such sweet dogs, I remember my grandparents had them so many years ago when I was quite young.
Me attempting to replicate a Danny Sexbang weird off-center close-up picture I found in a Facebook group once. It was so funny, but it can never be properly replicated.
So my face is already my profile picture on here and I don't have any photos of myself doing cool stuff like quadbiking or generally going outside. Here's my cat! Her name is Jinx.
https://i.gyazo.com/96a8c9f764cad69b03740473f80ffe53.jpg Fairly recent! Maybe a couple of weeks old :)