I like trains.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by GreaterRealms, Aug 23, 2014.

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  1. GreaterRealms
    Caffeine Fix

    GreaterRealms Newcomer Game Owner

    Man, thinking of a title for introducing yourself is always difficult. I keep thinking, "I should be funny!" And then I have another cup of coffee and think, "I should be doing housework!"

    So here I am, saying hello and procrastinating instead!

    My name's Mel, I'm 36 as of writing this. I've been role playing in various forms for too-long to admit but still think of myself as new and always learning. I have 4 cats and 4 birds, all of whom are rescues and one husband--who I also like to think of as a rescue. But no tellin' who rescued who.

    I'm also always on the look out for forums where in I can discuss, learn and grow together with fellow RPG administrators and owners. This looks like a place I'll be haunting around.

    I love pink, sparkles, and playing characters that are the direct opposite of me it's scary.

    HI! Nice to meet you!
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hi there, Mel! I find that keeping oneself in the mindset of always new and learning is a rather good thing. Much better to do than close yourself off, and potentially miss opportunities and/or friendships.

    What's your favourite thing about keeping birds? I really lack in regards to knowledge about birds and my experience has been limited to taking care of budgies for friends while they went on vacation. I'm actually strangely fearful around them (something about beaks and talons).
  3. GreaterRealms
    Caffeine Fix

    GreaterRealms Newcomer Game Owner

    My favorite thing about keeping birds, I'd have to say, is their personalities. The longer you spend time with them, the longer you can see each one is different. Some birds are what I like to call 'Touch-me-nots,' like canaries, finches and even a few larger birds who simply do better with your attention--from a distance. Others are super, super cuddly PET ME NOW PLZ, while some are comedians and some are grouches. It's very much like living with a very bright toddler with a beak!
    Shriker likes this.
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