
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Draegon, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Draegon

    Draegon Newcomer

    Hey guys!

    Time to introduce myself I guess? Name's Drae, and some roleplayers may already recognise me lol. I tend to like fantasy and sci-fi, but mostly fantasy. :) I'm not a big fan of roleplays that are replicas of fandoms with an original spin on them, so I can be very picky when looking for new roleplaying homes (even when a site doesn't know it looks like it is a version of something I may have seen/read).
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Drae!

    Quick - name your favourite fantasy setting!
  3. Draegon

    Draegon Newcomer

    Garth nix's Keys to the Kingdom - it's pretty clever :)

    What's yours?

    (I just spent 5 minutes on this post XD)
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Nice! Mine kind of breaks the fantasy guidelines, as it's really cross-genre, but I like the setting of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I like how the world is essentially falling apart and genres are melting into one another.
  5. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    Hello Draegon!
  6. Draegon

    Draegon Newcomer

    @Iversia a lot of people keep recommending that series to me haha! I have so many books to catch up on reading though, so I put it off. Have you ever read any of Toby Frost's stuff? He's a hilarious sci-fi/fantasy writer.

    Hi @Max Shields !
  7. camilli

    camilli Newcomer

    Hey there! I like your name, it's pretty rad.
  8. Draegon

    Draegon Newcomer

    @camilli Lol, thanks! It's been my nickname for about six years or so now (though it used to be longer at the start XD)
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