How did you get started with roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    Online RPing for me was discovered through MUCKs. Specifically, it was Legend of Mana MUCK (I played Bud.) I had no idea what the hell I was doing, though, so I probably was hated by the other members. I didn't know anything about sticking around, either, so I eventually just got bored and left. After that, it was various other fandoms, from Suikoden to Fire Emblem to Naruto. I eventually graduated to real life roleplays not all THAT long ago, really. Maybe four years ago? But I prefer RL face claims in original modern fantasy settings now.

    I also seem to be that rare being that didn't actually roleplay online until I was an adult...
    Elena likes this.
  2. NekoHime

    NekoHime Newcomer

    To be honest I started when I was young. Only child no toys to play with really so I had to use my imagination and create a world for me to live in. I didn't know it was rp truly.

    What got me into rp fully was my gaming friends we use to do small short rps in game chats. Until we all quit and my love for the hunger games got me to look for some hunger games rp. It was from there I really got into rp and started to love it and move from different rps until i found the one I love now.
  3. Danjeresque

    Danjeresque Newcomer

    Horses. Yep. Horses.

    Oh, wait. No, it was street dogs, on Neopets. They came first. And after a little time rping in the guilds, I experimented and turned to horse rpg on there shortly after. Someone I had "threaded" with a lot on there invited me to join some geocites rp. And it all kinna, bloomed from there.

    Aw, nostalgia~
  4. Applegeisha

    Applegeisha Newcomer

    Well, i started with something I knew; Pokemon.

    I joined a site on Avidgamers called Creations Between Worlds. Its were my roleplaying started. Course I was a newbie, had the worse post lol, but it really started me off. Now I own my own site and believe I'm a pretty decent roleplayer. I can't thank the person who funded Avidgamers, because i wouldn't be rolplaying otherwise.
    lyrebird likes this.
  5. Not counting the numerous make-believe and Lego games I've done alone and with siblings as a child, there's actually a bit of a funny story behind my first online RPing experience.

    There's this old site called, or JK3Files as the community called it, which held a large numbers of fanmade mods and addons for the Jedi Knight games. Some day, somehow, a mini no-rules RP sprang up in the comment section of this poll(I hope posting links here is okay):;49407

    While there were a total of about six participants, it was mostly just two users each acting out a semi self-insert character, beating the hell out of each other. They finally finished five days later, basically no story, just constant verbal jabs and combat. I found it after it was done, and just left a cryptic entry about the story "Just getting started". To be honest, I was just doing it to get in on the joke, I didn't expect anything to ever come of it. But one of the duelers noticed my comment, and on next week's poll he said in-character something about "Anxiously awaiting the one who missed the party..."

    Clearly I had intrigued him to some degree, and another RP broke out in that comment section as well:;49469
    This one had 8 people, 5 of which were very active, which was a good step up from the 5 total, 2 active that the first was. I entered the fray as an unnamed mysterious character(Who even 3 years later never got a name despite being my main character all that time, lol) with a warning of impending galactic doom and stuff, and managed to unite all these crazy characters and crazy RPers. The result is a ridiculous and stupid story, but we all had an absolute blast making it. We all enjoyed it so much, despite never having met each other before, or ever RPed before, that it wasn't even a question of whether we'd continue it or not after it was over. We created an off-site group just for RPing the day after that story in the comments finished, and most of us are still doing it to this day.

    Ah... fond memories...

    Shoot, I'm rambling. Shouldn't let me ramble, lol.
  6. Jcc0450

    Jcc0450 Newcomer

    I think i just started roleplaying when....i don't remember :(
  7. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    It's fuzzy now, but it's a tossup between the first time I read the Lord of The Rings or when I started reading You Are The Hero books when I was a kid. It piqued my interest, and I started learning more about RPGs from there.
  8. camilli

    camilli Newcomer

    I've always been fascinated with Harry Potter, so when I was twelve (I knowww I was very bad at it) I started writing fan fiction. Then the owners of the fan fiction site I did a lot of reading on opened their own site! I was an awful spammer and could not stop for the life of me, but eventually I got better. It's been like 8 years since, so hopefully I've improved! I don't know if I'll ever give it up. I've gone a year or two without RPing but my life is always richer with people to RP with.
  9. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    I think I started when a group I was in on an online game opened a forum, and part of their forum had a role playing section in it, and a lot of people tried it out and stuck with it, even most of the forum members left the game, and it became something on its own. Before that, I can't recall doing anything else similar to role play.
  10. Magictallguy

    Magictallguy Newcomer

    I started around 10 years ago (from date of post), on an online text-based RPG. I can't quite remember the name of it, but that's where I started haha!
  11. Dawnmist

    Dawnmist Newcomer

    I started in the warriors fandom ^^ Eight years on, I'm still there and other places.
  12. Azureye

    Azureye Newcomer

    I'm tickled by how many people started on Neopets.

    I started there as well. I do think there was something really exciting/dynamic about the setup there—ten new threads in ten totally different universes every ten minutes! Makes a good gateway drug for a ten-year-old :P
  13. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    As far as online roleplaying goes, I started on message boards in 1999 (Horses4Ever, Aggellafe, Pokemon). Then I got into chat roleplaying (Sinlahekin Wildlife Refuge, Steve's DBZ chat, Angel Valley, BloodWolf Bay, TigerDragons, etc.). I also hung around on a few MUCKs, MUDs, M*s, and PBeMs back then.

    After that, I too got sucked into the lure of Neopets. I ran a Lupe roleplaying guild called Seize the Night. I'm partially to blame for the roleplay neoboard being added there. I still play Neopets, because why not? :D
  14. Witcher

    Witcher Newcomer

    I started online and then tried some PnP stuff but unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts, the group I played with disbanded so just stuck to online.
  15. I accidentally stumbled into an AOL chatroom where a vampire was dancing with a girl and was mystified about what they were doing. It took me all of thirty minutes to figure it out, make a character, hop into the fun and I've never looked back!~ Love love love this maddening habit! Err...hobby! ;)
  16. espatier

    espatier Newcomer

    I started when paper and pen was new. Near a little dungeon hobby shop in Lake Geneva, WI in the 70s
  17. FallenShadow

    FallenShadow Fresh Blood

    I've started RPGs with Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360.
  18. Sae

    Sae Fresh Blood

    I actually started role-playing when I was on Neopets. I was one of those awful one-liner RPers.
    Around 2009, I started my first RP board, where I eventually improved. After a few bumps in the road, I'm finally where I am today.
    I still think I'm an awful writer, but I'm finding it easier to get my point across the more I write.
  19. Taliyah

    Taliyah Fresh Blood

    I started roleplaying when I was 13. A friend of mine had an rpg message board and asked me to come check it out. I did and created a vampire character and some others that I still make variations to 13 years later. I have created several message boards since then and am currently getting one up and running that is helping me flesh out details for a book series.
  20. SG2Tiger

    SG2Tiger Newcomer

    I've only recently started getting more into roleplaying, but I've been doing private one-on-one roleplays with friends since...2007, I wanna say? I didn't understand it much at first or really even know people did it until a friend of mine explained to me all her Yu-Gi-Oh! OCs that originated via RPs with friends before going on to be part of her fanfics and such. We did a few short-lived crossover RPs over AIM where my OCs would meet her OCs, but they never got too far off the ground. Nowadays we have a more casual pseudo-roleplay relationship with our main OCs from our own original (not fandom) stories, where we don't really play serious plots so much as come up with amusing 'what if' scenarios between them. For instance, one of her favorite OCs is a dimensional warper so introducing him into my characters' world was a simple matter, and we envision that he just comes and hangs out with them on a semi-regular basis and have come up with a lot of short and humorous scenarios for them, draw them together a lot, etc.

    Currently, in addition to working on my own forum, I'm mostly involved with RP groups on deviantART, but mostly just one-on-one games with a handful of people. I don't think I've ever been part of any large, serious multi-person roleplays before (again, aside from my own community).
    Shriker likes this.