Hi there!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by moosetracks114, Oct 26, 2013.

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  1. Hello everyone, my name (or online alias) is Shadow, though that account was taken so I've settled on a different username I've used in the past. I've been around the wolf role playing community for over a decade now, and for the past three years have occupied my time managing and playing at http://relic-lore.net. In the past, I ran/hosted and/or played at several games that you might have heard of, including Dreams of Reality, Tempest, Along the River, Wolf Tracks, From the Ashes, Two Wrongs, and a bunch of other ones.

    I don't often interact with people in the RPing community who aren't members at RoW, but I do frequent and lurk on a lot of community sites. I decided to join RPG Fix to try and connect with other RPers and participate in some discussion. I've also got some plugins that I would like to share with the RPG Fix community.

    Offline, I'm a recent college graduate who is living in D.C. and will be volunteering in Cambodia beginning in January. I'm currently in the process of applying to graduate schools for my Masters in International Affairs. I also enjoy reading, watching movies, and spending time with my boyfriend.

    So that's a little bit about me, what about you guys? =)
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hey Shadow! I have totally creeped on RoW before. Always such pretty colours and graphics. It's seriously gorgeous on my one colour calibrated monitor. <3

    How are you finding creating plugins myBB? I think that's actually one of the few that I haven't made something for, and I've done a fair amount of software development.
    moosetracks114 likes this.
  3. Ah!!! Thank you!!! We do take a lot of pride in our themes, and we're fortunate enough to have a lot of fantastic artists on the site who love to contribute. Finding the large images for the background is always such a pain, but I think the end result is well worth it if I say so myself. =)

    I actually find it to be a pretty easy and straight forward process, even though the official documentation on writing plugins is terrible. Like all things, it's a matter of familiarity, but reading through the code of a few other plugins was enough to help me get started on my own - I think somebody of your skill level would have no trouble figuring it out. =)

    The trick is finding the correct hook to plugin to, but the official myBB documentation provides a list of those. The hardest part is when you want to edit something that doesn't have a hook, but that's pretty rare to find. Otherwise, I've been able to do some pretty complex things with my board and there are several other myBB plugins out there that drastically change the function/appearance of the software, which is a testament to how powerful it can be if given the chance.
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Definitely worth it.

    At least myBB actually has a hook system, however poorly documented it is. ^_^
  5. I know, right? I remember when we first started looking at moving from IPB 1.3 to myBB and I was looking through the plugins and hook system and I just kept going "what is this witchcraft?!" You just get so used to broken, old software that it doesn't even both you anymore, but now that I have a forum that makes use of those, I won't ever look at anything that doesn't.
  6. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    I know that feeling. XenForo has even more witchcraft. I can extend everything and don't have to modify any core files or templates. Managing IPB 1.3 back in the day was a nightmare... bleech. I used to security patch people's boards for free until it got to the point where it was sort of like beating a dead horse. Never again.
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