Hey Guys!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by talyn scene, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. talyn scene

    talyn scene Fresh Blood

    Well, hi rpgfix!

    Name is Talyn. I am obviously new here. I'm 26 years young, soon to be 27. I love roleplaying, have been doing so for years and will for quite a few more years. I live with my bf and we have a fur pet named Java. He is a daschund/yorkie mix and he is a cutie. ;3
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hi Talyn! What's your favourite rpg genre?
  3. Hey and welcome :)

    I am not imagining a yorkie with short legs... is that kinda what he's like?
  4. Lady B

    Lady B Guest

    Hi. Pleased to meet you. Awww... gotta love our pet kids, hmm? :)

    ~Lady B
  5. talyn scene

    talyn scene Fresh Blood

    Favorite genre would have to be real life. Mostly band/tour and gang stuff. Also did a bit of supernatural stuff, genre not tv show.

    Actually, he's dappled but he has the body shape of a yorkie so no short legs for him lol

    Yes! They are our furbabies!
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